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Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Ambush by Donna Tartt

Spoken in the voice of a young girl, The Ambush is a powerfully yet simply told story about the Vietnam conflict. A young boy named Tim loses his father in Vietnam and he spends the entire summer playing out the final moments of his father's death in along with the young girl. What is a seemingly simple childhood game turns dangerous when they startle his forlorn mother one day. What is great about this story is the story told between the lines. Just as the children play their games while the "adults" are in the house fretting and living real world worries. The children have just found another avenue to show what they are feeling. Another powerful untold story in this short story is that the grandmother secretly resents the young girl playing with her grandson and believes that she has wrongly influenced his actions. Religious tensions flare which further add to the various conflicts throughout the story.

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