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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Greenleaf by Flannery O'Connor

A delightful story about a bull who gets loose on Mrs. May's lawn. Mr Greenleaf and his wife live on the property, and have had several animals of his get loose where she doesn't want them (on her property). Now, it seems, that this animal is the last straw. She prods and bugs Mr Greenleaf to get the animal where he can't get loose. Mr Greenleaf is employed by Mrs May in helping her take care of her land. The focus of the story is to get what she has always gotten: her way. She has pushed others around her whole life. In the end she...well, you'll have to read it to find out.


Shersy said...

I read this the other night - and I liked it for the first couple of pages - but I hated the ending! I'm finding that most of these stories have a certain "tone" about them that is a bit depressing or overbearing. What do you think?

Aaron said...

Yes, Sher you hit it right on the nail. This is exactly why I enjoy reading short stories: the emotions in them are powerful and direct, not dilly-dallying, but several authors simply lay it all out on the table. At times they are depressing, but then there are some that are really envigorating. Short Story writers must get to the meat of their story quickly, and so they choose powerful emotions (sometimes sad and depressing are the most powerful emotions that they can use)