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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sleep by Stephen Dixon

This story is told from the voice of an old man who has lost his wife of many years. This story is both sad and satirical. The voice comes powerfully from the start of the story:
"Several people wanted to see him to his car after the burial but he said, 'No, I'd like to walk to it by myself, I don't know why. Do you mind? And everyone has a ride back? Good. Then thanks for coming, and I guess I'll be seeing you.' He was thinking of sleep even then, during the short walk. How in maybe an hour, or two to three, he'll be in bed, under or on top of the covers, phone off the hook or in some way disconnected, curtains closed. Moments after she died, or maybe a minute after, but anyway, almost the first thing he thought once he realized she was dead was 'Now I can sleep better.' Or was it 'Now I can get some sleep'?"

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