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Thursday, May 1, 2008

More Assembly Required

So we have the deck in and the trenches dug for the sprinkler system. So we had a guy that we were going to have do our sprinkler installation come over and tell us he'd get it installed. After thinking about it I figured if we can put a deck together we can definately put a sprinkler system together. --and for cheaper. We have so many people in the ward who have put theirs in that we have advise and instruction we can get from them. I spent my last two nights out in the howling cold wind finishing digging the trenches. I had to borrow a pick from a neighbor who has been digging his by hand (bad idea) when the soil is half clay and half rock and maybe .001% actual soil. We had a guy in our Elder's quorum dig the majority of it with his trencher. I found a website that shows us step by step how to install them:

On a side note regarding family history: I have been throughly researching the "4 children" who were with Mahala in 1860. I have been trying to identify who the parents are of these children. Based on census records, I can state that Independence, America, and James B are brothers and sisters, and thus all have the same mother and father. A note of interest: Looking at the census records from 1900 and comparing then to 1910 censuses I noted a glaring problem. In the census from 1900 it shows all three children stating (or the head of the house stating) that all three were born in Kentucky and that their Dad was born in Kentucky and that their Mother was born in Kentucky. BUT, in 1910 all three state that Dad was born in OHIO??? I have been unable to reconcile this difference so far.
The jury is still out on the fourth, Eliza, as she probably married and is nigh to impossible to track after 1870.

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